

  • Special Assistant to the President for 包容 Transformation
  • 戴维·简·吉尔摩中心,Rm. 2009

Special Assistant to the President for 包容 Transformation

Dr. 小内特·伍兹.

匹配 /about/inclusion ... 精度:3的

We believe that differences have the power to challenge our perceptions. 邀请探索. 将学习推向新的高度. 并在未来的几个世纪里加强美高梅棋牌娱乐的社区.

That’s why 美高梅棋牌娱乐 is wholly committed to creating an inclusive campus—one that welcomes all. We are dedicated to removing barriers and fostering a culture of belonging. 与美高梅棋牌娱乐的愿景同步, we strive to cultivate a diverse community of innovators and creators determined to shape a better tomorrow. Because diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging matter.


Special Assistant to the President for 包容 Transformation

Dr. 小内特·伍兹.

匹配 /about/inclusion ... 精度:3的


Develop educational components to promote advocacy for self and others.

Attract, retain, develop talented faculty, 工作人员, 学生 from all walks of life.

利用思想的多样性, 背景, 以及美高梅棋牌娱乐选民的身份来培育创新.

Advance policies and practices that cultivate equity and belonging and ensure inclusive access to facilities, 项目, 资源, 和服务.


美高梅MGM娱乐全体教员, 工作人员, 学生 are invited to commit to ongoing learning and engagement related to belonging, 包含建筑, 以及通过领英学习打破偏见.

探索并从中选择 美高梅MGM娱乐的领英学习路径 追求渐进式但实质性的增长.


Get an introduction to topics that set up each of the more focused Learning Paths. This is a great path to start if you're not sure which area makes the most sense for you or if you're looking for a broad view in a time-compressed format.

多元化、公平、包容 & 属于所有人

鼓励整个野猫家族. Learn about the challenges and opportunities inherent in 工作ing in diverse organizations. This transformative learning path reviews current thinking and best practices on essential topics such as bias in all of its forms, 文化能力, 沟通, allyship, 和问责制.

  • 定义多样性、包容性和归属感.
  • 参与关于两极分化话题的对话.
  • 与同事和同事建立更深层次的联系.    


Most of us are learning about allyship and anti-racism for the first time. 在这条学习路径中, 专家教你基本技能——心态, 沟通, advocacy—you need to be an effective ally and champion for anti-racism in your organization.

  • 识别偏见、偏见、歧视和压迫.
  • 应用 a frame工作 to spark constructive dialogue about race.
  • 倡导更具包容性的环境.


组织 that prioritize diversity stand out from the rest. How can you foster diversity while overcoming the challenges that come with it? Learn about the challenges that can arise in diverse 工作ing environments and how to support and accommodate the needs of underrepresented groups (URGs).

  • Learn to be an ally for all employees, colleagues, 学生.
  • Learn ways to talk about race, gender, ability, culture.
  • Identify opportunities to support employees and 学生 who have disabilities.


Modern organizations must actively seek ways to foster a culture of belonging. Learn how to drive diversity and inclusion efforts in your organization to create allyship opportunities and a safe space for employees, 学生, industry partners to build a community where collaboration, 创造力, 创新才能蓬勃发展.

  • 学会培养包容的教育和工作文化.
  • 学会支持来自弱势群体的同事.
  • Learn how to drive meaningful change in your organization.


Using correct pronouns helps us all connect with each other in authentic, 尊重, 有意义的方式.



满足同性恋者的需求, 女同性恋, bisexual and transgender 学生 is very important at 美高梅MGM娱乐. Various departments on campus 工作 to educate and enhance the understanding of LGBTQ issues and concerns.

美高梅棋牌娱乐致力于满足同性恋者的需求, 女同性恋, bisexual and transgender 学生 at 美高梅MGM娱乐 and 工作 to educate our campus community on LGBTQ issues and concerns.


新生迎新, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the 美高梅MGM娱乐社区承诺! 

The foundation of success at 美高梅MGM娱乐 begins with a commitment to the highest standards of academic and ethical integrity among our campus community. Our College creates a positive environment and culture on campus that inspires passion for learning and living. 


  • 我挑战自己,不断学习和成长.
  • 我对待别人公平公正.
  • I take personal responsibility for my choices and actions. 
  • 我提倡思想和意见的自由交流. 
  • 我通过尊重来提升力量.
  • I hold myself and those around me accountable to this pledge.



美高梅棋牌娱乐承认,美高梅棋牌娱乐所居住的土地, 工作, learn is the ancestral home of the Six Nations of the 说豪, Iroquoian-speaking 萨斯奎汉诺克,和 Lenni德拉瓦人 (特拉华州). 美高梅棋牌娱乐也认识他们林地时期的祖先. We are grateful for their stewardship and management of this land over thousands of years and promote this recognition in honor and respect of that caretaking.