
罗伯特 & Maureen Dunham 儿童学习中心 at 美高梅棋牌娱乐 serves students, 教师, 还有那些孩子需要高质量教育的员工, 在他们的父母工作或上课时,在校内照顾和教育. 的 儿童学习中心 cares for children between the ages of 13 months and 5 years (or until the child is enrolled in kindergarten).


  • 儿童学习中心
  • 终身教育中心B1059

中心, 位于终身教育中心(LEC), 是专门为儿童设计的吗, 带儿童浴室, 观察窗口, 还有落地窗. 外面有一个围起来的户外游乐区. 欢迎参观; 联络署长 安排时间参观.

招生 & 应用程序

美高梅MGM娱乐 students, staff, 教师 have priority in enrolling children. Vacancies remaining open after the designated cut-off date (coinciding with class scheduling for the following semester) will be available to the public. 的 导演 will require proof of 美高梅MGM娱乐 affiliation at the time of enrollment.

  • 儿童可以注册 全职 or 兼职. 美高梅棋牌娱乐有各种各样的兼职时间表.
  • 孩子们必须报名参加 每周固定时间表 一整天的时间.
  • 美高梅棋牌娱乐所做的 提供上门或小时护理.


费用 vary according to a child's age and schedule, as well as eligibility for discounts. 的 College offers discounts to students eligible for a Pell Grant as part of their financial aid and who do 不 qualify for government subsidies. Low-income employees who are 不 eligible for state-subsidized childcare may also qualify for a College discount. We accept subsidized payments from county Child Care Information Services (CCIS) offices. 打电话给导演 了解更多信息.

操作时间 & 日历

12月 06

12月 10


12月 13

12月 16


12月 17


12月 20

1月 03


1月 04


1月 05


1月 10



中心从早上7:30开始营业.m. 至下午五点半.m. 星期一至星期五, except for days when the entire College is closed and for six scheduled staff development days during the year when the center is closed.

Children must be scheduled to attend on a regular basis 星期一至星期五. 的re are limited 兼职 openings in the older toddler and preschool rooms. 家长可以选择每周三天(周一), 星期三及星期五)或每周两天(星期二及星期四). 夏季上课时间可能会根据美高梅MGM娱乐的上课时间而改变.


该中心在秋季运营, 春天, 及暑期班, 孩子们一次只参加一个课程. (In Summer only, enrollment may be for as little as a week at a time, if space is available.)返校儿童有优先报名参加下一届课程的权利. 该中心为12个月的员工遵循学院的时间表. 儿童可以注册 for this schedule or for the academic schedule for 教师 or students.

Nutritious meals (morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack) are included in the fee. 午餐由拱心石餐厅的工作人员准备.


中心 offers an educational program for children using the Creative 课程®, a research-based curriculum that follows the guidelines of the National Association for the Education of Young Children for developmentally appropriate early childhood education and incorporates the Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early Childhood. 孩子们的学习情况每年评估三次, 这些评估是在家庭会议上分享的.

Each class has two 全职 degreed teachers who are employees of 美高梅MGM娱乐. A 兼职 ‘floating’ teacher works in all rooms to provide coverage for staff meetings and special activities. 来自学院早期儿童项目的教师和学生, 以及其他学术领域, 参与了中心的规划和运营.


  • 蜜蜂: 招收“13个月大、能走路”到2岁的儿童;
  • 小兔子: 2、3岁的孩子
  • 熊: 3- 4岁(应该学会如厕)
  • 鸟: 4- 5岁(应该学会如厕)
  • 蝴蝶: 3- 5岁(学龄前)

的 导演 is happy to refer any College student or employee to a local referral agency for assistance in finding and paying for care that we are unable to provide (e.g., for children 不 within these age ranges, or if you need evening or weekend care).

父母 of children with special needs are encouraged to contact the 导演 for a discussion of individual needs. We attempt to serve all children and have enrolled many with special needs. However, we do 不 have our own therapists or special education teachers on staff. 这些服务必须由外部提供者安排.

使命、目标 & 哲学

的 mission of the Children’s Learning Center at 美高梅MGM娱乐 is to provide early care and education services that facilitate students’ access to the College experience and serve employees.


  1. 作为早期护理和教育项目的典范, one that meets or exceeds licensing and accreditation standards to demonstrate the highest standards of care and early childhood education;
  2. 提供模范的早期照顾和教育, 遵循适合发展的实践, 适用于幼儿及其家庭;
  3. To extend the educational experiences of students enrolled in 美高梅MGM娱乐 majors by providing a demonstration and observation site.


在儿童学习中心, 美高梅棋牌娱乐的首要任务是建立一个保险箱, 培养, responsive environment where children’s physical needs are met and they feel psychologically secure. We believe that high quality early care and education fosters the physical, 社会, 情感, 语言, 以及幼儿的认知发展. Reciprocal relationships with each child’s family are an essential element of quality. 美高梅棋牌娱乐重视并颂扬每个家庭的独特组成和文化, 少数民族, 语言背景. Positive relationships among all children and adults promote each child’s sense of individual worth and belonging to a community.

We believe children are active learners who construct an understanding of the world around them through play and exploration of their environment. 教师通过提供时间来支持和加强孩子的学习, 材料, 孩子们需要的关系. 孩子们以不同的速度和方式学习. 他们也有不同的方法来表达他们所知道的.

美高梅棋牌娱乐相信成年人也是积极的学习者. We are committed to supporting the education of 美高梅棋牌娱乐 students who are learning about children and families. This is best accomplished by providing them with opportunities to work directly with children and families, under the guidance of professional educators who serve as role models and mentors, 在一个模范的早期教育环境中. We believe that children’s development and learning are enhanced by their experiences with the 美高梅MGM娱乐 community.
