Energy Technology Education Center

Energy Technology Education Center is a collaboration between Pennsylvania College of Technology and Lycoming County Department of Public 安全 and was made possible by significant investments by industry.


  • Workforce Development
  • 商务中心 & Workforce Development

The training center supports local emergency responders by providing hands-on instruction that enables them to understand and implement effective emergency-response. 除了, the site is used for industry training and training of potential new hires and incumbent workers through classes that 美高梅MGM娱乐 provides for gas and other industry occupations.



  • 钻机培训师
  • 实弹道具
    • 井口
    • 分隔符
    • 房子计
    • 法兰
    • Flammable liquids simulator
    • 电池箱
  • 压裂现场显示
  • Production site set-up
  • Hazardous material spill response props
  • Miscellaneous static props

Recent grad offers vinyl-siding installation training 2022年6月15日

Daun威廉姆森, who graduated from 美高梅MGM娱乐 last month with an associate degree in building construction technology, will conduct a Vinyl Siding Institute…