
The core is intended as a broad foundation that will extend the competence students 开发 within their majors.

美高梅MGM娱乐 has established a core curriculum for each of its credentials. Through the courses that satisfy core requirements, students are challenged to integrate knowledge from a variety of disciplines and to extend their learning experience to areas beyond the major. The intended goals of the core curriculum are integrated with and are indirectly measured by students' demonstrated competence in their major courses.




  • 绘画
  • 艺术历史
  • 陶瓷
  • 木头雕塑
  • 著作
  • 音乐
  • 摄影

沟通 & 文学

  • 作文
  • 文学
  • 跨文化沟通
  • 人际沟通
  • 组织沟通
  • 阅读
  • 小组通信
  • 演讲 
  • 技术写作


Assists students in acquiring a conceptual understanding of the nature and structure of mathematics, 其流程, 和应用程序.


Wide variety of science courses that not only provide students with scientific knowledge, but also inspire students to wonder and be amazed by the world around them.

社会科学 & 人文学科

  • 经济学
  • 历史
  • 人文学科
  • 哲学
  • 政治科学
  • 心理学
  • 社会学
  • 人类学


The core courses offered in 业务, 艺术 & 科学 are taken to meet the goals of the Core Curriculum. 这些目标是:

The ability to find and comprehend information and ideas from others, to compose spoken and written work that transmits ideas or information to others to create shared understanding.

The ability to work with others to establish objectives, 分配工作, 根据标准衡量绩效, 评估结果, 记录流程, apply what was learned in present and future processes.

The ability to analyze and 评估 situations and arguments from multiple perspectives, including the values that shape our self-identity and our relationships with other people, 其他文化, 以及美高梅棋牌娱乐的环境, in order to form intellectually and ethically defensible judgments.

The ability to explain and use the vocabulary, 符号, methods of mathematics in order to identify patterns, 描述的关系, 逻辑上的原因, 做出明智的决定.

描述的能力, 开发, 评估, select, use a wide variety of tools and tool systems in the classroom, 工作场所, 在日常生活中.

Develops an understanding and appreciation of the creative process and aesthetic experience. It encourages the exploration and analysis of a variety of creative processes and problem-solving strategies, as well as an understanding of the diversity of artistic experience and expression.

Applies the principles of the scientific method to the study of humans as individuals and in groups. The goal of the 社会 sciences is to understand and improve the quality of life and the quality of experience using research and application as pathways to solving 经济, 政治, 以及社会问题.

Examines the connections between our own lives and the lives of people around the world. 它鼓励广泛的, critical review of our own experience and the experiences of other individuals 和文化, as well as an enhanced understanding of the cultural, 社会, 经济, 政治 factors that shape our world. 在实践中, this perspective encourages our students to become global citizens who are prepared to understand, 参与, 塑造公民社会. 因此, an understanding of the functions and structures of civil societies, as well as the ability to 参与 the roles and responsibilities of citizenship are integral to global and cultural diversity.

Provides a foundation for exploring the past with an eye towards understanding the present and thinking critically about the future. Through an analysis of multiple perspectives and sources the interpretative framework of 历史 provides context for understanding and 评估 contemporary institutions, 政治, 和文化.

Develops scientific knowledge and understanding as a process characterized by gathering, 组织, 评估, 分析经验证据. This perspective also augments quantitative and inductive reasoning skills through a variety of problem-solving strategies. 科学的方法, a cornerstone of the natural sciences discipline, encourages a systematic approach to problem-solving characterized by investigating hypotheses that lead to predictable outcomes through repeatable experimentation.